Selling Stamps, Postcards, Coins, Letters ?
Boost your sales with Image Scan Splitter !

Image Scan Splitter is a tool (for Windows) that will save you a bunch of time when selling online (EBay/Delcampe/etc.).
It will automatically:
- analyze the scans you have made of the items you are about to sell (see the tutorial)
- detect the different items in each scan
- save each item individually (and automatically rotate/center it to enhance its visual appearance)
It has many handy options:
- automatic scan calibration to improve colors (see the tutorial)
- merge several items together (right click on the items then ‘Merge those items’)
- left/right rotation (right click on the item then ‘Rotate’ menu)
- add a description to an item (right click then ‘Enter Description’)
- merge the front and back scans of an item (PRO version only, see the tutorial)
- It can even process an entire directory in one click ! (PRO version only)
- etc.
The best thing about it ?
- The standard version of ISS is … free !
It can process scans up to 500 KBytes.
A PRO Version is also available (see comparison chart):
- It can process Scans of any size.
- It can assemble the front and back of each scan item
- It can process an entire directory automatically (meaning tens of scans and hundred of items !) in 1 click !
If you do noy believe it, just download ISS and test all the options above … for free.